Como 1907 x Prevention Month
Como 1907 stands alongside women and disease prevention.
In the month of October 2024, Como 1907 stood in solidarity with local associations dedicated to cancer prevention. October has been recognised as THE pink month for a long time. Every October, in fact, people worldwide rally against breast cancer.
More specifically, Como 1907, together with ASST Lariana, supported the event “La prevenzione in Piazza” (Prevention in the Square), which took place on October 5th, 2024, which involved hundreds of men and women to promote the importance of cancer prevention.
On this occasion, Como 1907 sponsored the “Senologia al centro” (Senology at the Centre) project by providing camper vans equipped to offer free mammograms for women. The testimonials of the initiative were our Como 1907 women’s team captain Giulia Pozzoli and the men’s team defender Alessio Iovine.
‘The support of Como 1907 was crucial as it provided the mobile clinic equipped with a mammogram and ultrasound scanner. The messages shared on social media by the players also helped communicate the importance of screening examinations,’ stated Luca Stucchi, General Manager of Asst Lariana. ‘Prevention is crucial to reduce the impact of disease and mortality, as well as to help maintain well-being and quality of life’.

In addition to prevention, it is also important to know how to deal with the illness. Which is why the IMperfect association shared the story of the disease during the “Imperfect Days” at the Teatro Sociale in Como and on the walls of the EX Casa del Fascio in Como.

IMperfect is an association of women for women whose goal is to transform scars into symbols of strength and beauty, inspired by Kintsugi, the ancient Japanese art of repairing with gold. Every project they do, from artwork to autobiographical writing, carries a message of resilience and hope. IMperfect celebrates the power of imperfection and it is committed to supporting women who, like us, choose to rewrite their stories. So, on October 20, numerous stories of women were told in ‘The Talent of Illness’; these stories highlighted how women provided each other with strength by recounting their experiences during the pandemic..
Como 1907 wanted to support this fresh and important project, which was also backed by artists such as Pietro Terzini, who created some installations for Terragni’s ‘Ex Casa del Fascio’ building in Piazza del Popolo for the occasion.
‘I was honoured to receive the call from Como 1907, and the knowledge that this project could be of interest to an organisation like yours moved me. The message aims to resonate with everyday challenges, coping with illness, and ultimately embracing oneself when faced with life’s challenges’ says Giulia, President of the association.