Disabled Fans
Como 1907 has set up a booking service of free seats reserved for disabled fans who have been recognised as having a 100% civil disability with the right to continuous assistance (condition that must be stated on the certificate) and their accompanying adults. Requests will not be accepted if the disabled fan and/or accompanying person already hold another valid admission ticket for the event (season ticket or ticket).

For reasons of safety and accessibility, these seats are suitable for the special needs of wheelchairs and people with mobility difficulties, as provided for by the regulations in force.
The simultaneous presence of an accompanying adult is compulsory and unavoidable.
The accompanying person/guardian must take care of the disabled fan in the event of an emergency. In the absence of the accompanying person, the disabled supporter, even if in possession of an accreditation confirmation, will not be granted access to the stadium for safety reasons.
For reasons of safety and accessibility, specific seats inside the stadium are reserved for disabled fans, suitable for their particular needs.
- The seats available for non-ambulatory disabled supporters are reserved in the Tribuna Coperta with access from Gate 11.
- The seats available for walking disabled persons are reserved in the Distinti Parterre sector with access from Gates 3 and 6.
Please come to the Gates with your ticket and ID.
For foreign fans, the uploaded disability certificate must be translated into Italian and comply with the regulations.
The accreditation request can only be made online on our website after filling in the dedicated form https://tickets.comofootball.com/accrediti-disabili within 48 hours before the match. The accreditation is strictly personal and non-transferable to third parties.
Ordinary tickets do not allow entry to persons in wheelchairs.
The issuing of accreditation tickets for the disabled fan and the accompanying person will be conditional on the availability of seats. Whoever acquires an accreditation takes it away from another. Users are therefore requested not to request accreditation without being reasonably certain that they can actually use it.
Registration on the site constitutes full acceptance and acknowledgement of the Code of Conduct, Stadium Use Regulations and Disabled Accreditation Service Regulations.