Laura Panzeri: Como’s Leading Lady
Wicked, as a Broadway show, has captivated audiences for nearly two decades with its reimagining of the Wizard of Oz saga. Originally premiering in 2003, the play quickly became a global sensation. Therefore, when it eventually became a film, there was no surprise. As the film dominates theatres, collecting awards and critical acclaim, Wicked continues to solidify its place as one of the most iconic stories in modern musical theatre and cinema alike.
The region of Como’s illustrious landscape inspires art and creativity. Therefore, there is no surprise that many artists have roots here. In today’s world, there are few artists who possess the skill and talent needed to play the role of Elphaba in Wicked. However, there is one artist from the small town of Villa Guardia in the region of Como that has emerged and has made a name for herself across Europe: Laura Panzeri.

Laura Panzeri grew up in a family of “artists”. While none of her family members were professional musicians, they all bonded over their passion for music. Concerts in the middle of the living room would be organized with her father playing the accordion and Laura, her mother, and her sister singing popular songs at the top of her lungs.
While Laura’s immediate family pursued music for fun, Laura always demonstrated immense interest and talent in playing the piano, dancing, and singing. It all came to her extremely effortlessly. Therefore, there is no surprise she is achieving the success level she has today.
Her professional career started in 2010 with Compagnia della Rancia across Italy. Since then, Laura has been a part of many musicals including: West Side Story, Aladdin, Sister Act, and Mamma Mia and even performing with Cirque du Soleil. While Laura has made her way across Europe performing, she remains extremely close with her roots in the Como region.
BLU Magazine recently had the opportunity to sit down with Laura Panzeri to ask her a few questions and learn more about her career
What first inspired you to sing?
I fell in love with musicals at a young age. This form of art is wonderful and complex as it encompasses all disciplines and allows you to convey emotions and important messages through your body and voice. This inspired me so much and lit a fire inside my heart. Disney also definitely played a key role in the maturation of my passion, as every movie is sung.
What do you think is the key to your success?
Certainly, determination. Talent alone is never enough to achieve one’s goals. My passion and my instinct guide me down this torturous and often upwards path. The work of an artist is a really arduous calling to respond to. But if you do it with humility and always look to improve and grow, there is nothing as great and as satisfying.
Tell us a little bit about the trajectory of your career.
Well, this is going to be a long answer! I studied at the Musical School in Milan from 2008 but it wasn’t until I graduated in 2010 I started to audition for roles.. Almost immediately, I got my first role as an ensemble in the musical “Happy Days” by Compagnia della Rancia for an Italian tour. Following this role, I was Sandy in Grease and eventually Annette in Saturday Night Fever at the National Theater of Milan.

After all of these experiences, my life brought me to Germany, with a role in Sister Act where I played Maria Roberta and I came face to face with German for the first time. I thought I would leave Germany after this role, but 12 years later I am still here.
After Sister Act, I worked in Mamma Mia! and eventually I joined the cast of the first European production of Aladdin, a Disney product. I was selected to play Princess Jasmine after meeting Alan Menken, a famous composer, and his Broadway team.
Following this, I joined Cirque du Soleil, and this was an incredible experience as I got to work with out of this world artists. Although the period of Covid was extremely hard, following it, I was able to land a super important job for the Friedrichstadt Palast in Berlin, the biggest stage in the world with its Grandshows and extremely high budgets.
At the moment, I am the protagonist for their new show Falling In Love by Jean Paul Gaultier who has made a costume for this show that makes me feel like Wonderwoman every night.
2024 has been an important year for me as I got to go back to my country of Italy to give voice to my biggest dream. I had the honor of being the singing voice of Elphaba, the main character in the movie Wicked, the greatest adaptation of a musical ever made. A huge achievement on a professional and personal level. I still have a hard time believing it! Hearing my voice in the theaters was an emotion I will always carry with me.

How was singing all the Wicked songs in Italian?
Returning to singing in my first language after so much time was a battle. On a technical level, I had to explore and find “my way” of singing again since Italian focuses a lot on its vowels and comes from the chest in comparison to English or German.
It was amazing though to finally have the mastery of every word again. I felt free to create and interpret everything with my heart and acting into the dynamics of my voice.
What projects have been your favorite?
Wicked was my dream for over 20 years, so I can definitely say I achieved something great.
Also playing in Aladdin was an honor. Growing up, I always had a dream to play the role of a Disney princess.
BLU Magazine highly suggests going to see Laura Panzeri live or listen to her sing in Wicked at a theater near you. You can also potentially find her around. Como, as one of her favorite activities is to take a long walk down the lakeside promenade under the sun with headphones in her ears.