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Super Fan: Jacopo Trombetta

Jacopo Trombetta is a Como 1907 superfan. Only seven years old and he does not miss a game.

“It was a great emotion for me to receive the jersey autographed by the whole team from Como’s captain, Alessandro Bellemo”, Jacopo was a special protagonist of the last Meet & Greet with captain Bellemo, linked to the collectibles initiative. Once he walked into the threshold of the clubhouse after the match his eyes lit up and it was a huge thrill for him to be there to meet one of his idols.

“I am also a fan of the Como magazine that I collect every time at the stadium at matches. I like to look at the photos, take the quiz and every morning I read an article to find out more about the team and the players”.

Regarding his favourite footballer, he tells us: “I like Strefezza a lot, he was one of the players on my mum’s fantasy football team and that’s why I always cheer for him”.

Besides being a fan, Jacopo is also an artist. He draws cards with players and likes them to be autographed by the Como 1907 champions. “I like drawing a lot and I often paint children playing football”.

Regarding the victory against Pisa, he tells us a special anecdote: “Every now and then I like to try to guess the result of matches with my neighbours in the stands, and today I got it! I arrived and said: today we will win 3-1, and so we did. The most beautiful goal was Gabrigol’s, really beautiful”.

Jacopo, a proper Comasco, is one of the children who fill our stadium with the dream of seeing Como again along with the big names. If you have a similar story to tell, write to us at